Hiring A Home Improvement Contractor

Home improvement projects tend to be ones that linger over time.  When your budget is tight, they get put on the back burner and aren’t seen as a necessity.  Because of this, there are a lot of contractors out there who are hungry for work; however, finding the right one for your project may be difficult.

Here are a few tips to remember in your process of finding the right home improvement contractor.

Ask for Referrals from Friends and Family

Personally asking your friends and family is probably the easiest way to find a home improvement contractor.  You will be able to hear their honest opinions and see the work of the contractor first-hand.

Using social media is also a really easy way to find a contractor.  Take your search to Facebook and ask for referrals and images of projects completed.  Who knows, you might find great options without having to look very hard.

Check the Contractor’s References

If a potential contractor has a list of references that is miles long, that is a good sign.  Depending on how long they’ve been in the business, they are bound to have a number of happy customers.  Contact a few of the references on the list to see how their home improvement projects went and if they were happy with the outcome.

Come to an Agreement

Come to an agreement with your contractor and have it in writing.  Having a formal agreement can prevent a big issue if something goes wrong down the road. For example, if the contractor doesn’t complete the project on time or doesn’t pay for supplies, then you will have a signed document to refer to that states whose responsibility it is to cover the fees.

When to Avoid a Home Improvement Contractor

The abundance of contactors is great for homeowners interested in improving their homes.  But how do you distinguish between the good and the bad?  If a contractor wants to skip the process of obtaining a permit, that’s a red flag.  Any major home improvement project legally requires a building permit, and inspectors will check the work throughout the process as well as at the end. Hiring a contractor who doesn’t want a permit just shows you that he doesn’t want his work inspected by someone else.

Also avoid a contractor who sought you out or demands to be paid in cash, this sounds like an obvious statement; however, when people are excited to improve their home, this isn’t something that is considered.  Ultimately, the most important thing you can do is use your best judgment; if something doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t.

Home improvement projects can bring a lot of value to your home.  It should be exciting and rewarding; so find a contractor you love to make your project a positive experience.

For more information on finding a home improvement contractor that you will love, visit here: http://money.cnn.com/2008/03/27/real_estate/tips/contractor_love.moneymag/

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